Skilling Oscar

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" NK 2 og 3 - enkeltmerke 2 skilling og to enkeltmerker 3 skilling = 8 skilling stemplet "Throndhjem 9.2.1861" på meget dekorativ rekommandert brevforside sendt til Tromsø. Kombinasjonen er ikke registrert i NK.  
* NK 2, 3, 4 and 5 - SCOTLAND - single copies of 2 and 3 skilling together 4 single copies of 4 skilling and two single copies of 8 skilling Oscar = 37 skilling nicely cancelled "Mandal 26.11.1862" on a fantastic single rate winter cover sent to Leith. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 4.12" and "Edinburgh DE 6 62" on the reverse. On the front "Svinesund 30.11.1862", red "Hamburg Paid DES 4 62" and "London Paid DE 6 62". A unique and astonishing 4-colour franking with the complete Oscar I issue. A superb international exhibition item .  
* NK 2, 3, 4 and 5 - GERMANY - single copies of 2, 3 and 4 skilling together with horizontal pair of 8 skilling Oscar = 25 skilling with nice numeral cancellations "77" on an exceptional single winter rate cover sent to Stade in 2nd Tax Zone. Transit mark "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 31.3" and blue arrival mark "Stade 1.4" on the reverse. Blue side mark "Frederiksværn 25.3.1858", "Svinesund 27.3.1858" and "AUS DŽNEMARK" on the front. A unique and spectacular 4-colour franking with the complete set of the Skilling Oscar issue. Excellent exhibitio n item.  
* NK 2, 3 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 og 3 skilling samt vannrett 4-stripe 8 skilling = 37 skilling stemplet "Mandal 5.2.1862" på meget dekorativt helbrev sendt via Svinesund og Hamburg til London.  
* NK 2, 3 and 5 - GERMANY - single copies of 2 and 3 skilling together with horizontal pair of 8 skilling Oscar = 21 skilling cancelled "Aalesund 18.2.1859" on a beautiful single winter rate cover sent to Hamburg in Tax Zone 1. Transit markings "Sandøsund 28.2.1859" and "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 3.3" on the reverse. This winter rate postage through Sweden was valid from 15.9.1852 until 1.1.1860. A colourful item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 2, 3 and 10 - U.S.A. - single copies of 2 and 3 skilling Oscar together with horizontal pair of 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 53 skilling nicely cancelled "Grimstad 19.3.1865" on a beautiful single winter rate cover sent via Prussian closed mail to Wisconsin. Transit markings "Svinesund 22.3.1865", "St.P.A.Hamburg 29.3" and "Hamburg PD M„rz 30 1865" on the reverse. Manuscript endorsement "via C”ln og Ostende", red "Aachen 31.3", boxed "P.D" and "Bosten Br.Pkt. 28 Paid APR 15" on the front. A unique and colourful international e xhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 2, 4 and 5 - ISLE OF MAN - single copies of 2 and 4 skilling together with single copy and strip of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 38 skilling all stamps with nice numeral cancellations "14" on a beautiful incomplete (parts of some flaps missing) single rate winter cover sent to Ramsey. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 6.2" and "Liverpool FE 8 59" together with arrival mark "Ramsey FE 10 59" on the reverse. On the front "Arendal 30.1.1859", "Svinesund 2.2.1859" and red "Hamburg Paid FEBR 16 59". A unique piece.  
* NK 2, 4 og 5 - 2, 4 og 8 skilling = 14 skilling stemplet "Mandal 19.6.1862" på delvis betalt helbrev, påskrevet portotall "6" og sendt via Hull til London. 4 skillingen med ubetydelig rundt hjørne. Et fargefriskt og dekorativt objekt.  
* NK 2, 4 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 og 4 skilling samt vannrett par av 8 skilling = 22 skilling - alle merkene med vakre nummerstempler "197" (Mandal) på helbrev sidestemplet "Mandal 5.9.1857" og sendt via Hamburg til Stettin. Et meget fargefriskt og dekorativt objekt.  
* NK 2 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 skilling samt loddrett 3-stripe 8 skilling = 26 skilling stemplet nummer "76" (Frederikshald) på helbrev sendt via Sandøsund til La Rochelle. Brevet har vært for tungt for enkel porto, og er blitt kontrollveiet og satt i porto med "24" decimer. Dette er det tidligst kjente frankerte brev med decimpåstempling. Et praktbrev!  
* NK 2 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 skilling og vannrett 4-stripe 8 skilling Oscar = 34 skilling stemplet "Bergen 23.10.1860" på enkeltvektig brevomslag sendt via Sandøsund og Marseilles til Naples, Italia. Høyre merket i stripen med mindre kvalitetsanmerkninger grunnet perifer montering.  
* NK 2 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 skilling og loddrett 3-stripe 8 skilling Oscar = 26 skilling stemplet "Throndhjem 11.8.1863" på meget pent brevomslag sendt via Sandøsund til Frankrike.  
* NK 2 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 skilling samt tre enkeltmerker 8 skilling Oscar = 26 skilling stemplet nummer "25" (Bergen) på delvis betalt brevomslag sidestemplet "Bergen 13.8.1858" sendt til Rivadeo, Spania. Påstemplet "4 R" (Reales) som mottaker måtte betale for brevet. Svak arkivbrett gjennom to av merkene.  
* NK 2 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 skilling samt vannrett 3-stripe 8 skilling = 26 skilling stemplet "Christiania 24.12.1861" på pen liten konvolutt sendt via Svinesund til Frankrike.  
* NK 2 og 5 - enkeltmerke 2 skilling og 5 stk. 8 skilling Oscar = 42 skilling stemplet nummer "197" (Mandal) på meget pent brevomslag sidestemplet "Mandal 5.1.1858" og sendt via Svinesund, Hamburg og London til Leith, Skottland.  
* NK 2 and 5 - TURKEY - single copy of 2 skilling together with a horizontal strip of four of 8 skilling Oscar = 34 skilling, each stamp with a perfect numeral cancellation "253" on a fantastic single rate cover sent in closed bag to Constantinople. Transit marking "Svinesund 24.3.1858" and arrival mark "Konstantinopel" on the reverse. On the front blue "Sandefjord 22.3.1858", red boxed "P.D" and "Norwege Quievrain Amb.D 29.3.1858". A spectacular and colourful item for international exhibits. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 2 and 5 - ITALY - single copy of 2 skilling together with horizontal strip of four of 8 skilling Oscar = 34 skilling all with numeral cancellations "63" on a beautiful single rate cover sent to Messina, Sicily. The cover has been forwarded via Hamburg and from there by Th.&T. post through Austria to the Austrian-Roman boarder. Black "Transito per lo Stato Pontifico" on reverse was marked in Milan, and stated that the rate only was partly paid to the boarder of tha Papal States, and the full rate Papal States + Naples "38" (grana) was to be collected from the receiver. "3" (Sgr) is the German postage. An unusual and interesting postal history item.  
* NK 2 and 5 - SPAIN - single copy of 2 skilling and horizontal strip of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 26 skilling cancelled "Aalesund 3.5.1863" on a beautiful single rate cover sent in closed mail to Rivadeo. Transit mark "Sandøsund 9.5.1863" on the reverse. On the front "4R" (4 Reales) in red which is spanish postage to be paid by the receiver. For a long period of time it was only allowed to pay covers to the French/Spanish boarder. A colourful and top quality item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 2 og 8 - 2 skilling Oscar samt 3-stripe og enkeltmerke 4 skilling Våpen 1863 = 18 skilling stemplet "Drammen 6.12.1864" på pen konvolutt sendt via Svinesund til Lensahn, Holstein. Kombinasjonen er ikke registrert i NK. Fargefrisk kombinasjon.  
* NK 2, 8 and 10 - GREAT BRITAIN - single copy of 2 skilling Oscar together with single copies of 4 and 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 30 skilling cancelled "Throndhjem 12.8.1864" on a beautiful single summer rate cover sent to Malvern. Transit markings "Sandøsund 16.8.1864" and "K.D.O.P.A.Lbeck" on the reverse and red "London Paid AU 20 64" and "P.D." on the front. A unique and colourful combination.  
* NK 2, 8 and 10 - FRANCE - single copy of 2 skilling Oscar together with single 4 skilling and vertical strip of three of 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 78 skilling cancelled "Sarpsborg 17.7.1865" on a fantastic triple rate cover sent to Amiens. Transit mark "Sandøsund 18.7.1865" on the reverse. On the front red boxed "P.D" and "Norwege Amb. Erquelines A 21.7.65". A unique and superb exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 2 og 10 - 2 skilling Oscar og 24 skilling Våpen 1863 = 26 skilling stemplet "Christiania 12.3.1864" på liten konvolutt sendt via Svinesund, Hamburg og Wien til Padova, Østerrike/Venezia (Italia). Brevet er frankert til 3 zone via Sverige. 2 skillingen med rift fra før påsettingen. Eneste registrerte brev til Italia med denne porto.  
* NK 3 og 4 - DENMARK - single copy of 3 skilling together with horizontal strip of three of 4 skilling Oscar = 15 skilling cancelled "Drammen 4.12.1862" on a beautiful single winter rate cover sent to Kallundborg. Transit mark "Svinesund 5.12.1862" and arrival mark "Kallundborg 9.12.1862" on the reverse. A superb item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3, 4 og 5 - 3, 4 og 8 skilling Oscar = 15 skilling stemplet "Skien 3.12.1860" på pent rekommandert brevomslag sendt til Hjørring, Danmark.  
* NK 3, 4 and 5 - FRANCE - vertical pair 3 skilling, single 4 skilling and horizontal strip of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 34 skilling cancelled "Christianssand 23.9.1859" making the single summer rate via Thurn & Taxis for a cover sent to La Rochelle. Transit mark "Tour-T.2 valenciennes 27.9.1859" in red on the front and "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 25.9" and "Hamburg TH & T 25.9.1859" on the reverse. 34 skilling was the single postage rate for letters sent by steam-ship via Denmark or Hamburg 1855 to 1862. A light filing crease through the 4 s killing is of minor importance. A unique and colourful exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer  
* NK 3, 4 and 5 - GREAT BRITAIN - single copies of 3 and 4 skilling together with two single copies, vertical pair and vertical strip of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 63 skilling cancelled Christiania 22.1.1863" on a double winter rate cover sent to London. Transit mark "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 30.1 on the reverse. On the front "Svinesund 23.1.1863", red "Hamburg PD JAN 30 1863" and "London Paid FE 2 63". A unique cover showing the double winter rate postage via Hamburg. Excellent exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3, 4 og 5 - enkeltmerke 3 og 4 skilling samt vannrett par av 8 skilling = 23 skilling - alle merkene med vakre nummerstempler "197" (Mandal) på helbrev sidestemplet "Mandal 16.10.1857" og sendt via Hamburg til Stettin. Et meget dekorativt objekt hvor portosatsen ikke er registrert i NK.  
* NK 3, 4 og 5 - enkeltmerker av 3, 4 og 8 skilling = 15 skilling stemplet "Bergen 10.12.1861" på rekommandert helbrev sendt til Fehmarn i danske Schleswig. Rød påtegning "Anon 3/-" som adressaten må betale til postmesteren for annonsering om avhenting. Eneste kjente brev til Danmark med denne uvanlige påtegningen.  
* NK 3 og 5 - singel 3 skilling samt vannrett 4-stripe 8 skilling = 35 skilling stemplet nummer "197" (Mandal) på pent rekommandert helbrev sidestemplet "Mandal 25.7.1858" og sendt via Hamburg og London til Leith. Høyre merke i 4-stripen har mindre taggeanmerkninger.  
* NK 3 og 5 - vannrett par 3 skilling samt vannrett par og enkeltmerke 8 skilling Oscar = 30 skilling stemplet "Drammen 11.8.1862" på meget vakkert brevomslag sendt via Hamburg til Purmerende, Nederland.  
* NK 3 og 5 - enkeltmerke 3 skilling samt vannrett 3-stripe av 8 skilling = 27 skilling - stemplet nummer "197" (Mandal) på helbrev sidestemplet "Mandal 2.3.1858" og sendt via Svinesund og Hamburg til Stettin. Et meget dekorativt objekt.  
* NK 3 and 5 - GREAT BRITAIN - horizontal pair of 3 skilling together with five single copies and a horizontal strip of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 70 skilling - all stamps with nice numeral cancellations "25" on a double summer rate cover sent to London. Transit mark "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 31.8" on the reverse and blue "Bergen 27.8.1857" together with red "Hamburg AUG 31 1857" and "Paid 2 SP 1857" on the front. Some small agestains are of no importance. The only recorded 70 skilling cover to G.B and a superb exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3 and 5 - SCOTLAND - single 3 skilling together with vertical strip of four of 8 skilling Oscar = 35 skilling nicely cancelled "Frederikshald 30.4.1860" on a beautiful single rate summer cover sent to Charlestown. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 3.5", "Stirling 5.5.1860" and "Dumfermline 7.5.1860" on the reverse. A top quality item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3 and 5 - SPAIN - three single copies of 3 skilling and four single copies of 8 skilling Oscar = 41 skilling cancelled "Bergen 15.5.1861" on a beautiful single rate cover sent in open mail to Madrid. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 20.5" and "Hamburg TH.&T. 20.5.1860" on the reverse. On the front "8Rs" (8 Reales) in blue which is spanish postage to be paid by the receiver. The cover has been calculated as a single weight cover prior to arriving France, and double weight cover within France. A unique and fantastic exhibition it em.  
* NK 3 and 5 - FRANCE - horizontal strips of three of 3 and 8 skilling Oscar = 33 skilling cancelled "Bergen 1.9.1863" on a single rate envelope sent to Rouen. Transit markings "Hamburg TH.&T. 6.9", "Paris au Havre 8.9." and arrival mark "Rouen 8.9.63" on the reverse. On the front black "PD" and red "Tour T. Forbach 8.9.63". An interesting item.  
* NK 3 and 5 - SPAIN - single copy of 3 skilling and three horizontal strips of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 75 skilling all with numeral cancellations "25" on a beautiful double rate cover sent in open mail to Rivadeo. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 29.6" and "Hamburg TH.&T. 29.6.1857" on the reverse. On the front blue "Bergen 25.6.1857" and "12Rs" (12 Reales) in black which is spanish postage to be paid by the receiver. The cover has been calculated as a double weight cover prior to arriving France, and triple weight cover within France. One of the highest frankings to Spain registered. A fantastic and top quality item - excellent for international exhibition. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3 and 5 - SWITZERLAND - single copy of 3 skilling together with horizontal strip of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 27 skilling with numeral cancellations "14" on a beautiful single summer rate cover sent to Zrich (Tax Zone 1). On the front cancelled "Arendal 20.8.1858" in blue and transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 23.8", "Hamburg Th.&T. 23.8" and "Basel Briefexpedition 24.8" on the reverse. Some minor perferation faults are of no importance. A unique and excellent exhibition item. Certificate: Finn Aune.  
* NK 3 and 5 - GERMANY - two single copies of 3 skilling together with horizontal strip of four of 8 skilling = 38 skilling cancelled "Christiania 25.1.1859" on a beautiful single winter rate cover sent to Quidlingbrg. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 30.1", "Hamburg 30.1" and "Ausg. 31.1" on the reverse together with "Svinesund 26.1.1859" and boxed "Aus D„nemark" on the front. The cover is overfranked by 11 skilling. A unique exhibition item.  
* NK 3 and 5 - RUSSIA - horizontal pair of 3 skilling together with single copy of 8 skilling Oscar = 14 skilling cancelled "Bergen 14.2.1862" on a beautiful single rate printed matter sent to Reval. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 20.2" and "Hamburg 20.2" on the reverse together with "Svinesund 16.2.1862", boxed "Aus D„nemark" and "FRANCO" on the front. This postage rate for printed matters was valid from 28.3.1859 until 1.10.1865. A superb exhibition item. Certificate: Finn Aune.  
* NK 3 and 5 - SCOTLAND - two single copies of 3 skilling together with single copy and horizontal strip of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 38 skilling all stamps with nice numeral cancellations "123" on a beautiful single rate winter cover sent to Leith. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 14.12" and "Edinburgh FE 17 58" on the reverse. On the front "Holmestrand 10.12.1858", "Sandøsund 11.12.1858" and red "Hamburg Paid DES 14 1858". An excellent exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3 and 5 - ITALY - three copies of 3 skilling and 18 copies of 8 skilling Oscar = 153 skilling cancelled "Bergen 20.7.1859" on a fantastic triple rate cover sent via France to Gˆnes, Sardiny. The cover is forwarded by steamship to Hamburg, and from there by Thurn & Taxis mail. Weight mark "38" (grams) makes this a 6-fold cover through France and Sardinia, while other countries have considered this to be a triple weight cover by endorsement "3 Lodd". This is the highest recorded postage to Italy from the skilling period. One of the highlights of the Pieter Ahl collection, and an international exhibition item.  
* NK 3, 5 and 10 - TURKEY - single copies of 3 and 8 skilling Oscar together with single copy of 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 35 skilling cancelled "Bergen 20.10.1863" on a beautiful single rate cover sent via Austria to Constantinople. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 27.10", "Hamburg 27.10", "Wien 2?.10" and arrival mark "Constantinople 4.11" on the reverse. On the front boxed "Aus D„nemark" and "FRANCO" in black. A unique and spectacular international exhibition item.  
* NK 3, 6, 8 og 9 - enkeltmerker 3 skilling Oscar samt 2, 4 og 8 skilling Våpen 1863 = 17 skilling stemplet "Drøbak 29.7.1867" på pent brevomslag sendt via Sandøsund til Harlingen, Nederland. Dekorativ 4-fargers frankering.  
* NK 3, 6 and 10 - ITALY - single copy of 3 skilling Oscar together with 2 and 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 29 skilling cancelled "Bergen 26.6.1866" on a beautiful single rate cover sent via Switzerland to Messina. Transit markings "St.P.A.Hamburg 1.7", oval "Norwegen direct" and "Basel 5.7.1866" on the reverse. On the front red boxed "P.D". Endorsement "via Marseilles" has been disregarded, and the cover has instead been routed via Frankfurt. A colourful and excellent exhibition item in top quality. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3 and 8 - SWITZERLAND - single copy of 3 skilling Oscar together with single copy of 4 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 7 skilling cancelled "Bergen 15.9.1865" on a beautiful single rate printed matter sent to Lausanne. Transit markings "Sandøsund 19.9.1865", "K.D.O.P.A.Lbeck 21.9" and "Luebeck Th.&T. 21.9" on the reverse. The 3 skilling is missing the upper left corner - hardly visible. This postal rate for printed matters was valid from 1.1.1855 until 3.9.1868. A unique and excellent exhibition item. Certificates: Hans Witschi and F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3, 8 and 9 - FRANCE - single copy of 3 skilling Oscar together with single copy of 4 skilling and vertical pair of 8 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 23 skilling cancelled "Christiania 5.1.1868 on a single rate cover sent to La Rochelle. On the front blue direction marking "VOIE DE DANEMARK ET DE LA TOUR & TAXIS". Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Lbeck 9.1" and "Lbeck-Lauenburg 9/1 WT" on the reverse together with arrival cancellation. A colourful combination.  
* NK 3, 8 and 9 - FRANCE - single copy of 3 skilling Oscar together with two single copies of 4 skilling and single and horizontal pair of 8 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 35 skilling cancelled "Christianssund 9.6.1866" on a beautiful mixed rate cover forwarded via Lbeck/Lauenburg and Prussia to La Rochelle. The cover has been regarded as a single weight cover in Norway and a double weight cover in France. From 26.5.1866 to 15.4.1868 the postage was partly calculated in Danish currency, and this may explain why the cover is overfranked by 5 skilling. A colourful and unique combination. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer  
* NK 3, 8, 9 and 12 - SWITZERLAND - single copy of 3 skilling Oscar, single copy of 4 skilling and horizontal pair of 8 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 together with single copy of 2 skilling Coat of Arms 1867 = 25 skilling cancelled "Throndhjem 20.9.1867" on a beautiful single rate cover sent to Langnau (Tax Zone 2). Transit markings "Sandøsund 24.9.1867" and "Kiel-Hamburg 27.9.1867" on the reverse. A unique and colourful franking with three different issues. An excellent exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3 og 9 - enkeltmerke 3 skilling Oscar og 3 stk. 8 skilling Våpen 1863 = 27 skilling stemplet "Christianssund 3.11.1865" på pent brevomslag sendt via Christiania og Lbeck til Bilbao, Spania. Nær usynlig arkivbrett gjennom 2 stk. 8 skilling. Eneste brev med denne portokombinasjonen registrert i NK.  
* NK 3 and 9 - BELGIUM - single copy of 3 skilling Oscar together with vertical pair of 8 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 19 skilling cancelled "Sarpsborg 12.9.1866" on a beautiful single rate cover sent to Brges. Transit markings "Sandøsund 13.9.1866", "Lbeck-Lauenburg 15.9" and "Allemagne Par Est 18.9" on the reverse. This postage rate was valid from 29.9.1865 until 26.3.1867. An excellent exhibition item.  
* NK 3 and 9 - BELGIUM - single copy of 3 skilling Oscar and vertical strip of three of 8 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 27 skilling cancelled "Christiania 14.11.1864" on a beautiful single rate cover sent to Bruxelles. Oval "Norwegen direct" and transit markings "St.P.A.Hamburg 17.11" and "Allemagne Par Est 19.11" on the reverse. The name of the receiver is partly and nicely removed. This postage rate was valid from 1.12.1863 until 10.8.1865. A unique and excellent exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 3, 9 and 10 - PORTUGAL - horizontal pair of 3 skilling Oscar together with single copies of 8 and 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 38 skilling cancelled "Bergen 11.2.1867" on a beautiful single rate cover sent to Lissabon. Transit markings "Christiania 15.2.1867", "Kiel-Hamburg 19.2" and arrival mark "Lisboa 25.2" on the reverse. On the front red "P.D" and oval "FRANCA" in black. A unique and excellent exhibition item.  
* NK 3 og 10 - to enkeltmerker 3 skilling Oscar samt singel 24 skilling Våpen 1863 = 30 skilling stemplet "Christianssand 18.8.1864" på brevomslag sendt via Sandøsund, Lbeck og London til Skottland. Arkivbrett gjennom den ene 3 skillingen.  
* NK 3 and 10 - FRANCE - single copies of 3 skilling Oscar and 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 27 skilling cancelled "Christianssund 17.11.1866" on an incomplete (large part of flaps are missing) single rate cover sent to Croisic. Transit markings "Christiania", "Kiel-Lauenburg 21.11" and "K.D.O.P.A.Lbeck 21.11" on the reverse. Red "P.D." and black "Prusse 3 Erquelines 23.11.66" on the front. The cover is overfranked by 4 skilling. A unique and so far unrecorded combination to France.  
* NK 3 and 10 - ITALY - horizontal pair of 3 skilling Oscar together with single copy of 24 skilling Coat of Arms 1863 = 30 skilling cancelled "Bergen 14.8.1866" on a beautiful single rate cover sent to Naples, Sicily. On the front red boxed "P.D" and black "Norwege Amb.Erquelines D 24.8.1866". Transit mark "Sandøsund 18.8.1868" on the reverse. As Naples was situated in Sicily the cover is underfranked by 4 skilling (probably mistaken for Sardinia). An excellent exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 4 og 5 - 4 og 8 skilling = 12 skilling stemplet "Kragerø 9.4.1860" på pent helbrev sendt til Helsingør. Svak loddrett arkivbrett berører ingen vitale deler.  
* NK 4 og 5 - enkeltmerker 4 og 8 skilling Oscar = 12 skilling stemplet "Christiania 23.2.1861" på helbrev sendt til Trondhjem. Brevet er brukt som følgeseddel og er påtegnet "Champagne fra Kildal & Co. pr. Skp. Tjernen". Morsomt og uvanlig objekt. Attest: Finn Aune.  
* NK 4 and 5 - TURKEY - single copy of 4 skilling together with a horizontal strip of five of 8 skilling Oscar = 44 skilling nicely cancelled "Christiania 1.12.1860" on a fantastic single rate cover sent in open mail via Hamburg and Trieste to Smyrna. Transit markings "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 6.12", "Hamburg 6.12", "Trieste 9.12" and large black postage mark "20" (Neu Kreuzer) on the reverse. On the front boxed "Aus D„nemark" in black. A spectacular and unique item for international exhibits. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 4 and 5 - GREAT BRITAIN - single 4 skilling together with single copy, horizontal pair and two strips of three of 8 skilling Oscar = 76 skilling with nice numeral cancellations "76" on a beautiful double rate winter cover sent to London. Transit mark "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 2.2" on the reverse. On the front "Frederiksstad 26.1.1858", blue "Svinesund 28.1.1858", red "Hamburg Paid FEB 2 58" and arrival mark "London Paid FE 4 58". Light filing creases through two stamps are of no importance on this unique cover. The only double rate cover from the Oscar period recorded. A superb exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 4 and 5 - NETHERLANDS - single copy of 4 skilling together with a block of four, vertical pair and single 8 skilling Oscar = 60 skilling cancelled "Frederikshald 13.10.1862" on a beautiful double rate cover sent to Harlingen. Boxed "FRANCO" and oval postmark "Hamburg 17/10-62" on the front. Transit mark "K.D.O.P.A.Hamburg 17.10" on the reverse. This is one of the highest recorded frankings to The Netherlands, and an excellent international exhibition item. Certificate: F.C.Moldenhauer.  
* NK 4 og 9 - enkeltmerker 4 skilling Oscar og 8 skilling Våpen 1863 = 12 skilling stemplet "Kragerø 25.3.1864" på meget pent brevomslag sendt via Sandøsund til Kjøbenhavn.  
" NK 2/5 - komplett serie Oscar på lite brevstykke. Hvert merke er luksus-stemplet "Porsgrund 1.12.1859". Til tross for at 3-skillingen er litt blek i fargen er dette et meget fargerikt og dekorativt objekt.  
m NK 2 og 3 - 7 stk. 2 skilling samt 4 stk. 3 skilling i pen normalkvalitet. (9.400.-).  
m NK 2/5 - komplett pen serie hvor alle merkene er fullstemplet "Throndhjem".